SharePoint provides an out-of-the-box login.aspx page , located in 12 hives /layouts folder, which is automatically enabled when you turn on FBA on any of the Zone. There are plenty of postings on the web on how to get your forms authentication working in WSS and MOSS
What I didn't find is change password . Once you enable the form authentication, how a user can change the password? There is a ASP.NET control but nothing out-of-the-box in SharePoint, to support this
So I decided to write a custom ASPX page to handle changepassword and provision it via "Feature" . It is very simple
Here is what the final output look like. You can download the entire sample from here.
Change Password Menu Item in Welcome menu (PersonalActions)Change Password aspx page
Here is what I did
1) Created a simple aspx page and inherited "application.master" master page. Application.Master is located in /layouts folder . You can use any of the master pages from the /layouts folder or create a custom one.
2) Drop asp:changepassword control in the content area
<asp:changepassword id="ChangePassword1" newpasswordregularexpressionerrormessage="Error: Your password must be at least 7 characters long, and contain at least one number and one special character." newpasswordregularexpression=""></asp:changepassword>
3) Copy this page to 12 hives /layouts folder
4) Create a <CustomAction> Feature set the feature URL to /_layouts/changepassword.aspx page
<customaction id="ChangePasswordMenuId" title="Change Password" description="Change Password control" sequence="2000" location="Microsoft.SharePoint.StandardMenu" groupid="PersonalActions" > <UrlAction Url="~site/_layouts/changepassword.aspx"/>
5) Install the feature using STSADM.exe
And there you go!! You have the changepassword page with very little effort.
May be Microsoft can include this as a out of the box feature in the next version of SharePoint :)